Thursday, November 29, 2012


    I have chosen to go into nursing for my career. I am currently working as a tech (a nurses aide) at a local hospital and am getting experience in the hospital setting. My sister-in-law played a very large role in my decision for my career, but so far it is exactly what I want to do with my life. Even as a tech I can tell that helping people is something I want to do.
    During this course I did a little bit of research about all of the different jobs that can be done with a degree as a Registered Nurse. This really entices me into this profession because if I get tired of bedside nursing I can always go to an office or educational job or something along those lines. However, with bedside nursing there is rarely a dull moment and depending on the unit you are in you see so many different things. While the pay for RNs isn't exactly what I want it to be, its something I will sacrifice for the hours. A full time RN position in Evansville is three 12 hour shifts per week. This gives four days off per week which is rare with most other professions.
    The hours and difference in jobs is a huge reason I have chosen this as my career along with my interests and values. I enjoy helping people very much. As a child I always wanted to go to medical school and be a surgeon because trauma things really interest me and I find them very fascinating. So many things can go wrong and change in the blink of an eye with trauma patients and it takes very good nurses and doctors to keep these people alive in many cases.
     I was taught as a young child to always be dependable, responsible, and honest. These are values I take very seriously and think they will help me tremendously in my career as a nurse. In order to be a nurse, and any job really, you need to be dependable, responsible, and honest. If you are none of these it is very unlikely that you will get a job. Because I have a job in the same place I want to work as an RN, I make it a point to always be on time, do my job to the absolute best of my ability, and if I screw up I am the first one to admit it. These are qualities you need in the nursing field, and many other fields also.
   After this class, I will actually be enrolling in the Nursing program at Henderson Community College where I will be a direct admit into the program in the Fall of 2013. I will graduate from Nursing school in 2014 where I will most likely get a job as an RN in the Surgical Trauma Cardiovascular ICU that I work in now. In order to reach my goals I just need to do the best I can in school and get through it as soon as possible so that I can get my career underway.

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