Wednesday, November 7, 2012


    I have numerous interests and do alot of things for fun. I mentioned it in my first blog, but I am a HUGE New York Yankees fan! I go to atleast one game per year and hope to go to many more since my brother has recently moved to New York City. During the summer, I am usually found at a baseball field. From major league to little league, I love it all. I played softball until highschool and still play in co-ed leagues with my friends whenever possible. As much as I love baseball, I love my nieces and nephews even more! In free time away from school and work I am always at my brothers house playing with his kids. They mean everything to me and I can't imagine my life without them.
    I enjoy most of my health professions classes because they pertain to what I want to do with the rest of my life. As far as music goes, I listen to it all. Right now in my car I have a mix CD of rap and pop from 2000, but right below that I have Theory of a Deadman, Jason Aldean, Lil Wayne, and Luke Bryan. I would consider myself a country music fan for the most part, but I like a little bit of everything.
    My favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption with How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days at a very close second. I like nearly anything Morgan Freeman and Matthew McConaughey are in. My favorite television shows change from time to time...and I have a bunch of them. First and foremost, NCIS is number one. After that comes  The Voice (I love Blake Shelton), The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother and a Food Network show called Chopped. I guess it's fairly obvious that I watch alot of television. This is mostly the case during the winter though because very year around this time I turn into an old lady and don't get out of the house much. If there's one thing I cannot's being cold!

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