Thursday, November 15, 2012


        The first career I have chosen to research is a Registered Nurse. I am very certain in what I would like to do in my career and I know that nursing is it. According to the website, “registered nursing is among the Top Ten Occupations with the largest job growth.” Reading this makes me extremely happy because I know it is something with good job placement after college, but knowing that it is one with the largest growth is very reassuring.
         RN’s are responsible for so many things and there are so many different options even within the realm of nursing. As a bedside nurse, RN’s will manage care plans, do patient education, and other various things that are determined by patient needs. Specifically I would like to be a critical-care nurse and work in an ICU setting. I prefer this type of setting because you only have two or three patients versus the 5 to 10 you may have on the floor. There is a closer connection to the patient and you are able to provide better care.
         Working in hospitals is the most common place for a nurse to work, but there are “home health and public health nurses [that] travel to their patients’ homes, schools, community centers, and other sites.” What I like most about this career is that if you don’t like on aspect of the job, you can completely change and do something else without having to go back to school. In the hospital I work at there are some RN’s that only work in offices and do not do bedside work.

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