Friday, November 9, 2012


The following are my scores of the Values Inventory

Achievement: 14
Belonging: 5
Concern for Environment: 4

Concern for Others: 11
Creativity: 10
Financial Prosperity: 15
Health & Activity: 9
Humility: 10
Independence: 14
Loyalty to Family/Group: 13
Privacy: 15
Responsibility: 15

Scientific Understanding: 5
Spirituality: 6

    Upon doing the values inventory I learned what I pretty much already knew. I strongly value acheivement, privacy, independence, responsibility, financial prosperity and loyalty to my family. I believe these are good values to have and they are ones that I have learned from my parents and even some from my older brothers. While I should probably have more concern for spirituality, creativity and concern for others, I do not belive the values I do have are bad ones.
    I would say my main values are independence and responsibility. I have lived on my own since right out of high school and although I am very close with my parents, it is good to have my own space. I am financially on my own also, which I believe adds a whole new level of independence and responsibility. I was raised in a family where responsibility was a high priority from my parents. My three older brothers and I are all very responsible and almost never miss a day of work.
    I believe in order to keep a job you have to be both responsible and independent. A place of employment will not keep you if you're constantly late and cannot do anything on your own. The job I have now has a strict policy in place to keep you responsible and if you're late a certain amount of times you eventually lose your job. I also highly value achievement because if you don't have the will to succeed and do your best then you will not accomplish anything. It is very important to me to acheive to the best of my ability.

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