Tuesday, November 27, 2012


    In a perfect world I would be a Critical Care Doctor. I would have went to Indiana University and studied Biology as a pre-med student directly out of high school. After graduating in four years, I would apply and get in to IU's Med School in Indianapolis where I would go through school and hopefully become a Trauma Surgeon. If this were a perfect world, at this point in my life I would be in my first year of Medical School in Indianapolis.
    Ten years from now, in the perfect world, I would be working for Evansville Surgical Associates in Evansville so I could be close to my family while doing what I love. Trauma surgery is something that I find extremely interesting and I would have loved to take a career path that would have led me to my dream job, unfortunately that's not how life always works out. As far as short-term goals go in the perfect world, they would be to graduate at the top of my class in Medical School and then to land the job I want at Evansville Surgical Associates.
    From previous blogs, you know that I am a nursing major. While it is still in the healthcare field and I will work directly with doctors, it is not the same at all. I have chosen that career that fits my life right now in this non-perfect world. I plan to work in a Trauma Unit so I will still essentially be seeing and doing similar things to what I depicted in the "perfect world" scenario.

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