Tuesday, November 27, 2012


     Upon taking the decision making quiz to figure out how I make decisions, I learned that I am a spontaneous/internal decision maker. The website says these types of decision makers make decisions quickly, rarely establish specific plans, get bored easily and will take risks among other things. All of these things are extremely accurate in how I go about my life.
     When I decided to go into Nursing I thought about it for approximately a week. When thinking about a career most people would think about it for longer than that, but I talked to my sister-in-law who is an RN and decided fairly quickly that this is what I wanted to do. Nurses are extremely busy and have lives in their hands while they're at work and this is the type of setting I want to work in.
     While I do have a very specific plan for my career, that is nearly the only thing in my life that has structure. I fully believe that if it weren't for college and my advisors, I wouldn't even have a plan for my career either. My day-to-day life consists of a calendar in my phone that I add things to if I remember. I do very well remembering things on my own, but it is hard for me to just make specific plans a long time in advance. As far as nursing goes this trait could help and hinder me. Since every day as a bedside nurse is so different, it will be good for me to not have things set in stone, but sometimes it can also be good to follow a guideline for things and I could see that being challenging for me.

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